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Discussion utilisateur:Raoli

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Une page de Wikiquote, le recueil des citations libres.
Dernier commentaire : il y a 9 ans par Lykos dans le sujet Merci


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Raoli !

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You can find the code on Utilisateur:RimBot/ As you can see on any article on fr.wikiquote, we use the {{citation}} template to enclose quotes. This makes the article a bit harder to edit, but we can change the quote formatting with a simple template modification. parses the articles (see the workon() method), looking for the quote template ({{citation}} in fr.wikiquote). Every quote is then parsed (known formatting templates are stripped etc., see parse_templates()), stripped of any non-alphanumeric characters and stored in a dictionary (globalvar.quotes), the key being a hashed version of the stripped quote. When all articles have been parsed, it removes duplicates (using the hashes, see generate_output()) and generate the output (either the number of quotes, the number of pages with at least one quote, or a full fledged statistics page).

I wrote this code quite a long time ago, and a good cleanup would be necessary. But it still works anyway, so if you want to use it, feel free. Unfortunately my server has been down for a few days due to networking operator problems, but I can add other wikis to RimBot when it's back on.

Feel free to ask any further question if you have trouble understanding the code. Manuel Menal (discussion) 4 avril 2012 à 22:00 (CEST)Répondre

Counting quotes would be easy with the layout you describe. You would need to just change the existing code and replace the part where it looks for {{citation}} with a lookup for '*', and edit the quote parsing function to remove the textes enclosed by {{NDR}} and ().
The thing is, I've had a look at different it.wq articles, and it seems to me that many articles do not really follow this layout. it:Philip Levine has two-line quotes with the first line beginning with a '*' and the second line beginning with a ':'. it:Marino Freschi has incipits, which are quotes (AIUI), but do not begin with a '*'. it: Seabury Quinn has quotes which do not begin with a '*'.
You'd also need to remove the text in the Bibliografia sections (which also begin with '*' but aren't quotes) and in the Alti progetti or Note sections. One would have to list all these sections names to exclude them.
So: in theory, it's quite simple. But it might be a lot more difficult than it seems, because as you do not use a quote template, identifying quotes can be a bit hard. Manuel Menal (discussion) 5 avril 2012 à 17:06 (CEST)Répondre



Bonjour, et merci pour ta vigilance. Grazie per la tua vigilanza. Lykos (discussion) 20 janvier 2016 à 10:52 (CET)Répondre