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DescriptionBarbara McClintock (1902-1992) shown in her laboratory in 1947.jpg
English: Barbara McClintock (1902-1992), Department of Genetics, Carnegie Institution at Cold Spring Harbor, New York, shown in her laboratory. This photograph was distributed when McClintock received the American Association of University Women Achievement Award in 1947 for her work on cytogenetics. (From
Español: Barbara McClintock (1902-1992), del Departamento de Genética de la Carnegie Institution en Cold Spring Harbor, Nueva York, en su laboratorio. Esta fotografía fue distribuida cuando McClintock recibió la "American Association of University Women Achievement Award" en 1947 por su trabajo en la citogenética.
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This image, which was originally posted to Flickr, was uploaded to Commons using Flickr upload bot on 17 avril 2013, 05:06 by Redcody. On that date, it was confirmed to be tagged as no known copyright restrictions.
Acc 90-105, Box 13, Folder "Portraits, Mac-Mc C-Cn"; "Dr. McClintock, investigator in genetics, Carnegie Institution, New York, recipient of the $2,500 Achievement Award of the American Association of University Women for 1947, in recoginition of her distinguished contributions to the advancement of knowledge of heredity and evolution."
Fichier:Barbara McClintock (1902-1992) shown in her laboratory in 1947.jpg